Encryption Keys for SAAS/Cloud computing
Entry for the RSA BSafe Share security competition, June 2009.
Anthony Berglas,
Andrew Baker
project demonstrates a novel mechanism that enables large numbers of
individual data fields to be encrypted without the need to
store the associated large number of encryption keys. This
has then been used to create a novel architecture that can provide real
role separation in a SAAS/Cloud computing environment. The
implementation also includes a general purpose JSSE
toolkit which sends property lists between authenticated clients and
computing and Software As A Service (SAAS) has seen keen interest by
many enterprises. However, it raises serious
issues as corporations may want to store sensitive personal data in
applications which are managed by third parties.
way to avoid the need to trust the cloud provider is to encrypt the
information stored in the cloud, and then decrypt it on the
client. A policy engine
can then determine which fields of which records can be decrypted by

This is illustrated in the diagram above.
The Cloud Server provides the cipher text while a separate
Policy Server
provides the individual Keys. This provides real role
because the Cloud should never
sees the keys, the Policy Server never sees the data, and the
client can only decrypt data that they have access to.
A Client must be authorized by both
the the Cloud and the Policy servers in order to
access both the cipher text and the encryption keys.
Different data elements may have different access rights. For
example, an Employee may be able to see all fields of their own
record, their department manager may see most fields of the
employees in their department, but only the personnel department may
see the health fields. This can be achieved by using
different Field Encryption Keys (FEK) for each protected data element.

the example illustrated above, the user has been authorized to view
data element 1, but not element 3. So if they ask the Policy
Server for element 1's key it the request will be granted.
However, if they ask
for the key to element 3, the Policy Server will will decline the
request. Any attempt by the user to decode
element 3
with the key to element 1 will fail because element 3 was encrypted
with field 3. (This
assumes that the SAAS server has been compromized and is granting the
user access to element 3's cipher text.)
In order to facilitate a
level of control,
each sensitive field of each individual record needs to be encrypted
with a
different Field Encryption Key. So if there are
records and 5 sensitive fields there would be 5,000,000 FEKs.
way to achieve that would be to store FEKs for each element of each
record in the key manager or policy engine. However, that
would require the
key manager or policy engine to have a very large and volatile database
which is
not practical.
Another way would be to wrap the FEKs
with a master Key Encrypting Key (KEK) and store the wrapped key with
each record on the
Server. The Client could then pass the wrapped FEKs to the
engine for unwrapping. However, the need to store the wrapped
keys would add considerable overhead to the storage of the records if
small fields are used.
in either
of the above approaches the policy engine needs to be able to stop the
client from obtaining the FEK of a field to which it does not
access to. This means that signed policy data such as the
employee number and department number need to stored with each
individual wrapped FEK. An integrity digest should also be
stored. These would make the overhead much larger
than 16
bytes for each encrypted field in each
record. Thus
in a
realistic system the key and policy data could end up being much larger
than the plain text that is being protected.
The Solution
have a different approach which avoids the need to store the FEKs
anywhere. We do this by enabling the policy engine that can
securely (re)generate the FEKs each time that they are required.
achieved by encrypting a digest of the record number, field name and
other policy parameters, and using the resultin cipher text as the FEK.

This is illustrated in the diagram above. The client
retrieves an encrypted field of a
particular record from the server. The client also
the Field Encrypting Key from the Policy Server, so that it can decrypt
just that field of that record. The policy server examines
user's credentials to authorize the access. It then encrypts
digest of the Record Nr and Field Name with the Master Key that is
stored in the Key Manager. This results in a unpredictable
of bits which is then used as the Field Encryption Key.
Policy Server actually obtains the Record Nr, Field Name and Policy
Parameters (such as Department Id) directly from the client.
hostile client could forge these values in order to mislead a Policy
Server to provide it with a FEK to which it is not authorized.
However, the resulting keys would not be useful
because the
Digest includes all the parameters used to make the policy decision.
Thus the Policy Server would return a FEK, but it
would not
be the one required to decrypt the cipher text. (If a policy
parameter such as Department Id were to change then all fields on the
relevant record would need to be re-encrypted.)
In a full system
there is no need to rely on a single master key. For added
security different master keys could protect
different types
of information. For greater protection the
Master Keys could be stored in a Hardware Security Module that is
attached to the Policy Server. This would mean that the
Policy Server
itself never sees the unwrapped master key. Further, multiple
key managers and policy
could also be provided, with the FEK be the XOR of the keys returned by
each one. Thus an attacker would have to defeat the Cloud
(to obtain access to the cipher text) plus all of
the Policy Servers.
The actual policies as to which users can access which data
should be implemented by both the Cloud Server and Policy
The Policy Server cannot ask the Cloud Server for policy
information, as that would defeat the role separation.
depending on the application, the task of maintaining the policy could
be simplified by having either the Policy Server or the Cloud Server
implement a simplified, more liberal set of policies. Many
architectural variations on this theme are possible.
the novel arrangement provided by this submission provides a high
degree of protection
without the
performance overheads of the key storage. The fact that the
Field Encryption Keys
need not be stored enables a large number of them to be used in
practice. This in turn enables fine grained
encryption which
can be
tightly coupled to authorization policy. Perhaps
importantly, FEKs that are
never stored can never be lost, so it greatly improves the integrity of
There are four main modules in the system, each stored in a different
Java Package. They are:-
- The Client, which processes the plain text.
- The Cloud Server, which never sees sensitive plain text.
- The Policy Server, which never sees sensitive cipher text.
This module includes a trivial Key Manager.
- The SSL module, which provides a general purpose, fully
authenticated Suite B SSL toolkit.
ant task runs the Client, Cloud and Policy Servers which communicate
via SSL. For convenience they actually run in the same
but still communicate via SSL. It is also easy to run them in
separate processes or separate machines by simply running the Main
classes in each of the Client, Cloud and Policy servers. And
development, they can be run in a single process with direct
communication without SSL. See
crytpo.rsacomp.Main for details.
Encryption Keys
Client authenticates with the Cloud and Policy servers using a client
certificate. The Policy server then uses this certificate's
Subject to
index into a simple authorization database of users. For the
of this demonstration, the Cloud server performs no authorization in
order to be able to demonstrate the use of encryption to provide
The Policy Server then calculates the FEK using a SHA256 digest of
the Field Name, Record Id and Department Id. The result is
folded into 16 bytes and encrypted with the master key and AES128.
This result is then returned this to the client as the FEK.
Including the Department Id in the digest enables it to be
securely used in policies such as Managers can see the Salaries of all
employees within their department.
clients then decrypt the fields to which they have authorized access.
The encrypted fields include a 4 byte folding of a SHA256 of
plain text to ensure the integrity of the data.
also the way that the Employee record has been defined, using the Field
class. This generalized approach is similar to what is used
in, and provides flexibility with simplicity and no
reflection. Methods such as getName
could obveiously be added to make Employee look like a POJO externally.
Secure Socket Extension (JSSE)
secure socket module implements Suite B encryption using the BSafe
Share for Java library. It
an SSLServlet abstract class that is similar to HTTPServlet except that
a new instance is created for each request (as it should be for
HTTPServlet!). The server provides concurrent requests using
thread pool, by default four threads are enabled.
The module
sends java.util.Properties between the client and server. It
not implement HTTP, but rather simply terminates each message with a
null byte. This is safe as unloaded Properties are always
ASCII, with a special \uXXXX notation used for special characters (as
tested by SSLMain). A maximum message size is imposed,
default 10,000,000 bytes. No attempt is made to reuse sockets
multiple messages, although sessions are reused correctly.
would suggest that the JSSE examples in the J/Share package also be
shown in this form. The inverted SLLServlet structure is
certainly more useful to the end user, and does not add much overhead
in practice. (We would also suggest that HTTP be properly
implemented rather than the null byte terminator,
we just did not need HTTP for our example.)
secure block cipher must provide total Diffusion and Confusion.
The Diffusion property means that the cipher text used for
FEK is totally unpredictable even though an attacker knows the exact
plain text. Thus it is easy to show that
basic FEK mechanism is secure provided that AES is secure.
would also be possible to skip the AES encryption One
would just add the Master Key to the inputs of the SHA256
and then use the output of the digest as the FEK. But the two
step process enables the AES phase to be performed in a separate HSM,
and so better protect the master key. Further, the focus of
digest cryptanalysis is on collisions, while the focus on cypers is
upon key recovery, so AES feels slightly more secure.)
We do not
use a (non-trivial) explicit Initialization Vectors (IV) for either the
Master Key or the FEKs. For the master key there is no point,
there would only ever be one IV for all the FEKs. (In a more
complete solution we might use a number of Master Keys for different
types of FEKs. But each master key would still only have one
We do not use or store an IV for the FEKs
because each
field of each record is encrypted with a
different FEK. The only weakness is that
the same FEK is used at different
points in time. Thus if an attacker knew the specific values
the cipher text / plain text pair of a specific field on a specific
record, they could then determine if that field of that record was ever
set back to the same specific value. This is a very obscure
leakage which would not normally justify an IV.
(Recall that knowing the values of one record's field provides
no information
about a different record. Further, the 4 byte
digest is prepended to the plain text. In combination with
mode this essentially uses the entire value of field itself as an IV.)
greater security an IV could easily be included, we just have made a
business decission not to in our example. A different one
be used for each field, or one could be shared for all fields in a
record. Because of the local scope of the FEK, a simple
would suffice. Storing an IV would also effectively shred the
FEKs each time the data is (re)encrypted, which could be useful if a
user's access rights are reduced.
If an IV is not used then we cannot use a stream
cipher such as
Galois Counter Mode for. If we did, then an attacker that
knew one plain
text / cipher text pair for a specific field in a specific
record could
easily decipher any new value for that specific field in that specific
record. CBC mode
is largely immune from that attack, and is completely immune given the
prepended 4 byte integrity digest.
(An insecure alternative would be to use the integrity digest as an
explicit IV,
and then a stream cipher could be used on the rest of the plain text.
However, that would enable an attacker to brute force the
plain text against the exposed digest.)
A further refinement would be to encrypt small fields
without needing to pad blocks.
would be good if J/Safe could provide a variable block size algorithm.
A number are published, but are not Suite B.
However, it is
easy to construct a variable block cipher using AES or SHA256 and a
single stage Feistel network.
computing and Software As A Service provides new challenges for data
protection. Field Encryption Keys enable real role separation
between the Cloud Server and the Policy Server. However, the
large number of FEKs that would be required would not be practical
without our novel approach to which avoids the need to store them
We have provided a sound proof of concept of the
practical use of FEKs. We have also produced a generic JSSE
package, and demonstrated the use of client certificates for
In combination these provide a solid platform for practical
applications to be built that utilize this innovative technology.